Friday, May 6, 2011

Kim had a better day today.She had a little more energy. She stayed awake most of the day with just one short nap. Of course, it is 8P.M. and she is asleep. We visited Dr. Wolford at 4:30. He said she is doing well. He removed some of the rubber bands from her teeth, so she can open her mouth a little better. He told her she could use a straw, but when she tried her lips would not close around the straw so it didn't work. But, she has the O.K. when she can. He also said she could begin to have foods with milk in them, but not straight milk or milk shakes yet. She is looking forward to approval for that. He also changed her pain medication. She can still have the other if needed, but it is very addictive and he wants to get her off of it ASAP. The new medicine tastes awful.  That may be so she will only want it when really needed. It will be nice when she can swallow a pill again so she doesn't have to use the liquid form.
Dr. Wolford now says he wants her to stay in Dallas until Monday. I will be returning to Austin on Sunday so I can get back to work. Her Dad will stay with her. He has been a good nurse, but I think Kim would like to get rid of both of us at times. The better she feels, the harder we are to deal with I'm sure.


  1. It is my prayer that each day you feel better, stronger and require less pain meds! I pray for good sleep during the nights as well!!
    Hurry to heal my friend!!

  2. Hang in there. Easy for me to say. Love to all.
